
Staying Sane

The world is so much different from what we were used to. COVID remains among us with mask requirements, travel restrictions, people working from home, video conferencing with colleagues and customers as well as global issues of concern like the environment and polarizing views.

My colleagues Nina Merrens and Andrea Szameitat sat down and discussed with me how we can help people handle the changes, stress and worries we face. This 16-minute video is available by clicking the image as well as an audio-only version (link below).

Download the audio version here.

Toward the end of today’s discussion, Nina mentioned the concept of shared or collective effervescence, a sociological concept coined by the French sociologist Émile Durkheim who lived from 1858 to 1917. According to Durkheim, a community or society may at times come together and simultaneously communicate the same thought and participate in the same action. Such an event then causes collective effervescence, which excites individuals and serves to unify the group.

Read more about the missed opportunities for collective effervescence at home and work in this New York Times article:

For a business viewpoint on the post-COVID period, Capgemini has produced a report entitled “Fast Forward to the Future” which you can get at this website if you are willing to give them your email address.

  • Herb

Happy Maps

Happy Maps

This post invites you to view a short TED Talk from an innovative guy who wants your Smartphone not just to make you more efficient, but sometimes to help you see things in your environment that you may never have known are there. This simple but creative idea could just be the next innovation in computerized mapping.

Pressure, Stress and Well-being in an Uptight World

Pressure, Stress and Well-being in an Uptight World

Everybody feels under pressure at times. How do some people keep their cool and even seem to thrive on it while others suffer not only from reduced productivity but even declining health and depression. This post explores the relationship between pressure and stress and offers some strategies for improving how you handle life's challenges.