Expat Life

Religious Practices – Comparison USA and Germany

Religious Practices – Comparison USA and Germany

Expats should know the differences in religious workship between their home country and the United States. Regardless of whether you personally practice a religion, knowing the composition of the country you are in can help you understand the value system of the people.

The Layers of American Government

The Layers of American Government

The United States has more than 327 million inhabitants, making it the third largest nation in the world after China and India. The orderly administration of services for such a sizeable population requires a large and complex federal government to print currency, provide for national security, just to name a few of its tasks, but also state and municipal governments are needed to insure that roads are maintained, fresh water is available and children have a proper education available to them.

This post will offer an overview of the branches and levels of government in the United States.