Emotional Intelligence

Must We Be So Mean?

Must We Be So Mean?

In the 19 years since the name of Monica Lewinsky became a household word despite her wishes, the Internet has given us many things. One of them is cyberbullying. Based on her experience of shame on a global level back then, Monica is now speaking out in favor of empathy and compassion. Her TED Talk is quite powerful. It is the subject ofthis week’s blog.

In Time for Your Christmas List

In Time for Your Christmas List

In this, the first of a two-part blog post, I recommend four books which leaders and future leaders should consider reading. The next post will provide the remaining four books of my eight recommendations for Christmas.



We live in a world where advertisers seek to manipulate us in order to sell their products and services, all with the promise of making you rich, powerful and loved. And in our interpersonal relationships, we sometimes encounter manipulation from people in our personal and professional spheres. It is not always easy to be aware of our strengths and areas where we need improvements. But that is a precondition to achieving our goals.