
Feedback is an Art

Feedback is an Art

There are no easy answers fo how to motivate your staff members. We need to undersand what motivtes eaxh of them an then apply the right techniques. The old carrot and stick approach falls short of our needs in today’s complex world. Yet finding the right approach may be the single most important factor for success as a leader.

RSA Shorts

RSA Shorts

In this post I recommend five short videos (each less than five minutes) from the Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce in Great Britain. They deal with the chaos of our modern life, the millennial generation, creatiyity and introversion. Take your pick or enjoy them all.

Achievement and Happiness

Achievement and Happiness

Sometimes it seems like the harder we strive to achieve our goals, the more illusive happiness becomes. Does achievement bring happiness? Shawn Achor has a theory that it is the other way around: happiness boosts achievement. The author of two books on the subject, you can also get a digest of his ideas in a very entertaining TEDx Talk.

Following that I introduce another TedTalk, The Surprising Science of Happiness by Harvard Professor Dan GIlbert. He performed some interesting social science research on how people react when they get what they want and when they don’t.

What’s Good About It?

What’s Good About It?

How do we improve our performance and help others to also do so? Shall we painstakingly identify every flaw and focus on its eradication? What is expected of us as leaders when a new product or idea is brought to us for evaluation? Shall we point out every reason it might fail? There is another way and scientific evidence shows that it is more effective for achieving excellence.