Leading in a Crisis

The TED organization has amassed an amazing collection of “talks” (short presentations befoe a live audience) which can be relived through the videos on their website. (https://www.ted.com/) But recognizing the increased need to help people in unusual times, they have started producing videos which are even shorter have no live audience.

One of these is Amy C. Edmundson’s presentation on how to lead in a crisis. The points she makes beautifully align with how I have guided companies faced with a crisis such as a product failure, a devastating fire or environmental issue or the need to close a factory and leave thousands of people without their jobs.

We are facing so many crises today due to Covid19, political unrest and environmental catastrophe. But as leaders at all levels in our organizations we must carry on and make the best of the situation. Our stakeholders are counting on us.

I urge you to spend five minutes listening to Amy at this link: https://www.ted.com/talks/amy_c_edmondson_how_to_lead_in_a_crisis. You won’t be diappointed.

  • Herb