Worry, Guilt and Stress

Fear of a killer virus is hard on all of us. But the isolation, social distancing and total disruption of our routines is weighing very heavily on people. I have selected an article you might find useful, especially those of you who lean toward type A behavior and also a TED Talk which has even broader implications.

Alaa Hijazi is a Lebanese trauma psychologist who wants us to understand that we should not put unnecessary pressure on ourselves during this time. Read her short article A trauma psychologist weighs in on the risks of 'motivational' pressure during quarantineA trauma psychologist weighs in on the risks of 'motivational' pressure during quarantine “A trauma psychologist weighs in on the risks of 'motivational' pressure during quarantine” here.


Some of my favorite quotes come from the Greek philosopher Epictetus who said:

  • There is only one way to happiness and that is to cease worrying about things which are beyond the power of our will.

  • It's not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters.

  • Men are disturbed not by things, but by the view which they take of them.


When I saw the TED Talk by Rory Sutherland, I realized how aligned his thinking is with Epictetus — and how useful it can be to us in this unusual time in human history. Please watch his talk “Perspective is Everything”.

  • Herb