Look! Pay Attention!

I spent most of September in the US and was struck by how everyone is multitasking — phones, video calls, live meetings. Is it more extreme in the US? I can’t objectively judge. It certainly was exhausting to watch and I came away wondering if people ever focus adequately on the important things in their lives.

As we slowly claw our way out of the pandemic, new TED Talks are being held and are appearing on line. One that caught my attention was about how we can fight the distractions of modern life and really see what is in front of us.

Wendy MacNaughton is an illustrator and graphic journalist with a background in social work. She believes drawing is an essential tool to help everyone — young and old — slow down, look closely and connect with one another.
If you are like me and many in her live audience, the thought of drawing triggers a sense of inadequacy. “I am terrible at drawing,” But please give her a chance and you will see that she is encouraging us to slow down and realy look at the people and things around us. This can be extremely valuable for our work and our personal relationships.

Here is Wendy’s TED Talk. Give it a look — a close look.

- Herb