Press Pressure

The last several weeks have shown huge demonstrations throughout the United States and around the world to protest excessive use of force by police which has sometimes resulted in the death of a citizen. As a watchful observer in what the media reports, I have seen some very positive reactions by municipalities and police leaders which have cooled the tensions and some very bad reactions which have enflamed them.

While I have never been called on to consult in the case of demonstrations, I did observe them close-up in 1968 when Chicago experienced civil disobedience following the assassination of civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and during the 1968 Democratic National Convention in Chicago that summer. I was conducting a TV interview when my camera operator was hit over the head with a chair by a frustrated and angry uniformed officer.

This post is not about the issue of police use of excessive force. But that topic is part of one of the areas where I have consulted over the years – handling a media crisis. Do you remember when bottles of the over-the-counter pain medication had been tampered with in Chicago in 1982 resulting in deaths? Or when the Exxon Valdies occurred in Alaska in 1989? Or the Mercedes-Benz A-class “elk-test” crisis in 1997 when a new model car tipped over in front of reporters and camera operators during a demonstration of its handling? I could fill the page with many more crises. In fact any business leader or owner may without notice be faced with having to react to a media crisis.

  1. The procedures for successfully handling such a situation begin well before anything occurs.
    Establish and maintain good relations with the media so that they will see you as accessible and cooperative if they need to report on your organization.

  2. When something occurs, do not try to hide it and DO THE RIGHT THING. Lying to the media does not work. If there is something you should have done or could now do, admit and take action. This sometimes conflicts with the advice of corporate attorneys whose focus is on avoiding legal liability and lawsuits. But the court of public opinion can be even more critical.

The public’s positive response for police chiefs who have walked with the demonstrators and taken a knee with them and for municipalities that have committed to speedy changes in rules proves what works. Do you remember when you were a child, did something wrong, and denied it to your parents. That never goes well.

I am always available to anyone who wants to take an inventory of their media crisis preparation or who needs support for an immediate crisis. Be ready. Be honest. Communicate well.

- Herb