It is Really Happening

My move is now upon me — and it sure has been more work than I expected, but worth every bit of it. Today my 19 shipping boxes will be picked up by my shipper and on 24 May I actually travel to the US where I will do a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion follow-up training and then go on to my new home in Minnesota.

After 34 years in Germany, there are bittersweet aspects to the move. I will be moving away from many friends and clients whose companionship I have enjoyed these many years. But I will be moving into a lovely new home just 15 minutes drive from one of my sons and his family. And I will be just 5 hours by car or less than an hour by plane from my other son and many of my friends in the Chicago area where I grew up. I look forward to traveling throughout the US and occasionally making a visit back to Europe.

This blog will go quiet for a little while as I get myself settled and buy new furniture. But I will be back with more ideas to share and some reflections on reentry to my home country of the US after so long.

Until then, I wish you meaningful communications with all those with whom you have contact, peace, and good health.

  • Herb