
The Tao of Coaching

Boost your effectiveness at work by inspiring and developing those around you
by Max Landsberg

How to unlock the potential of people by applying the techniques of coaching. This is an excellent second choice on coaching after "Coaching for Performance"

The essence and success of The Tao of Coaching has always been its focus on the practical tips and techniques for making work more rewarding through the habit of coaching - and this philosophy continues to underpin this brand new reissue.

The book's premise is simple: that to become an effective coach, managers and leaders need master only a few techniques, even though mastery obviously requires practice. Each chapter focuses on a specific technique - or Golden Rule - of coaching to help practice make perfect.
Tried and tested by generations within and beyond the workplace, this succinct and engaging book gives readers the tools to:

- create more time for themselves, by delegating well
- build, and enjoy working with, effective teams
- achieve better results
- enhance their interpersonal skills.

It demonstrates that coaching is not simply a matter of helping others and improving performance, but is also a powerful force for self-development and personal fulfilment.

Coaching for Performance

GROWing People, Performance and Purpose
by John Whitmore

This is a very practical and easy-to-apply guide to learning how to incorporate coaching into your daily management. This book is a guide for coaching written in true coaching style. It will help leaders learn the skills to coach effectively, uniting people under one purpose to improve performance. Adopted by many of the world's major corporations, this title's easy-to-understand methods argue for the use of effective questions and the growing need to relate to the individual's sense of meaning and purpose. With countless real-life examples, Coaching for Performance treats coaching as an art and helps readers come to understand and gain the important skills they need to become great coaches and leaders. For anyone who has ever had the desire to become a more productive leader, this book is not to be missed!